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Ghostwriter for the Mina de Letras


A Hugo theme I am adapting.

I want to build Neuza a very nice site on GitHub set up as a repository  of here writings over the last decade, along with a contemporary blogging capability.  Continue reading

Above the Hubbub


I cannot bring myself to follow contemporary bloody Brazilian political news flux anymore.

It makes me exceedingly anxious and I have decided to take a break from news analysingof the «coup» underway — and from an analysis of the buzzing blooming media blitz on the subject, inspired by Barthes and the late Umberto Eco — to focus on my personal experiments in  postmodern scribal culture.

I cannot even bring myself to translate pra Inglês ver as I often do when I lack a topic of my own to write on.

I do have a back log of topics stored on my personal wiki, but lately I lack the bunda, as they say, to work any of them out.

For insight on all of the above, I suggest you refer to Brasil Wire.

Those guys are angry, talented, progressive and committed.  Continue reading

AMPPS & Watts

remarkablemarkdownThe technical challenge of the day was to find a a localhost production server that would install on an x86 machine at the Cancer Ward, where everything is still running on Windows XP from 2002.

AMPPS did the trick, and proved to know all about 401 software packages readily auto-installed from its admin interface.

If we still had a hosting account with CPanel we would have already known of the availability of all these packages via the Softaculous installer.

Quite some time ago we used to have a Drupal site with the domain name blogalization.us — the globalization of blogging about l10n (localization) — but our sight was hacked mercilessly out of existence and we abandoned hope. Continue reading Au Gogo

Source: Au Gogo

Markdown …

Title: Au Gogo
Published: 2016-08-06 19:29:14
Author: Bretônio Gramsci
Tag: media,brazil,politics,newspaper,news,journalism,infotainment,cable,television,TV


I am happy to report to all three dedicated Lusophone Sousaphone readers that WordPress has seen fit to let me back in to my account and reset my password. I was able to recall a complicated password not used for years ….

So I am good to go and there will be no need for future reference to the ungainly New New World Lusophone Sousaphone.

There is nothing new under the sun, dixit Ecclesiastes.

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Brazilian Farmer | Tobacco Road


Following up on a recent post-translation on Brazilian anti-tobacco policies in relation to the thriving, logistically unstoppable –not even drones can manage it,  Embraer or not — Sino-Paraguayan Silk Road smuggling industry.

The Estado de S. Paulo metro daily — more of a viewspaper than a newspaper, really — has recently been paid to organize a series of events on this topic featuring industry lobbyists and a visit from the minister of foreign relations, José Serra, promising said drones and a massive allocation of federal police to the hinterlands,  with special duty pay.

The ESP then covers its own event as though it were a newsworthy development in its own right.

By the way I am using this post — see above — to inaugurate a flat-file, Markdown-based content management system called Yellow, running on my Apache2 localhost server on Arch Linux and using a simple bootstrap theme.

Linux lowerarchy47 4.6.4-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Jul 11 19:12:32 CEST 2016 x86_64 GNU/Linux

It makes for a nice personal browser based HTML editing app.  I would also like to go back and refresh my CSS knowledge, learn to integrate the simpler PHP plugins and the like. In Yellow this seems very doable. I would consider it for a lead Web app on my own server, when I can afford a domain of my own.  Continue reading

Oi-Telemar | A Public Utility


Item: The Oi-Telemar bankruptcy in depth from Google News in English, with little follow-up since the announcement last month.

Breaking Brazilian news in  re:
the largest bankruptcy in Brazilian history involves a court ruling on prior permission from Brazilian federal  communications agency Anatel to transfer shares of the company.

The  Rio de Janeiro federal judge fund ruled that Oi and Telemar are public utilities and therefore subject to agency oversight. Industry lobby not happy.

CartaCapital magazine weighs in with an I told you so on the deal that has still-birthed the long sought-after Brazilian super-telecom.  Continue reading

The (Big) State of Brazilian Journalism


Pitiful, how the Estado de S. Paulo metro daily has taken to the production of quasi-fake news of late, in the form of topical coverage of conference events produced by the newspaper itself for its various clients and then reported on as if objectively newsworthy.  Continue reading

Car Wash Judge: Spy for the FBI?

Together with [Supreme Court Justice] Gilmar Mendes, Judge Moro symbolizes the biased and partisan justice system that plagues Brazil.

Paulo Nogueira of the Diário do Centro do Mundo on recent debate over Brazilian friends of Uncle Sam and his beloved GWOT.

Marilena Chauí was quite right to say some of what she said recently about Judge Moro.

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A Boot Camp for Brazilian Anti-Corruption Troops

The joke that is going around is this.

Q: Why have the United States never suffered a coup?

A: Because they have no U.S. embassy to help plot one.

The prolific Brazilian commentator Luis Nassif parses a possible Cablegate case in point. Continue reading

«Assault on Mercosul» | A Decade of Brazilian Diplomacy To Be Undone


Governor Zé Serra in an unfortunate PR lapse with a military police assault rifle

Source: Jornal GGN (Brazil)

Translation: C. Brayton

Temer’s and Serra’s attacks on the Mercosul are based on ideology

According to a number of experts consulted for a recent report by Rede Brasil Atual, interim president Michel Temer and interim secretary of state José Serra are set on weakening Brazil’s ties with the Mercosul, based on their own personal convictions.
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